Mittwoch, 22. März 2017

Home improvement

Today's job is to get back together the smaller pieces of the Jojo. 
The main structure is back in place except from the front beam which is still in the workshop but looks quite good already. 
We are lucky to have landed here to rebuild the boat. 
Everyone is very kind and helpful even that they have their own projects to work on. 

Bathing latter is back in place, can we leave now? 

Enjoy the view over to the other side of the bay from the Yacht clubs sun deck before getting back to work. 

Ok back to work. Gin Tonic, sun, hammock, why do I look so grumpy :D

The rotten beam gets back in shape thanks to the carpenter and his apprentice. 

Engines are up and running, that means we are almost ready to go. 

Now it really starts to look like a boat again. 

We got ourselves a fridge.... kind of... 

Two of these little guys are watching over us. 

2 Kommentare:

  1. Very proud of you. Enjoy your boat trip.
    Cross fingers.

  2. Wow, jetzt kann man mal sehen, wie groß das Boot wirklich ist. Toll. Ja ich bin auch stolz auf euch! Ich hoffe die beiden kleinen Kerlchen passen wirklich gut auf euch auf, sie sehen ja ganz vertrauensvoll aus. Hedwig
